We have prepared common list of frequently asked questions for you.
Can I buy without an account?
Yes, you can buy our product without registration. You can input billing information during check out. However, we encourage you to log in by your Facebook account or Gmail to get more benefits from our shop.
How to buy many products?
To buy many products, just click "add to cart" as many as you want to add products to shopping cart.
Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?
We accept some payment methods as below:
- Master card
- Visa card
- Union Pay
- Direct bank transfer
- Cheque
- by cash
How long will delivery take?
For delivery time may vary from location. It normally, take 1-2 days or longer based on terms & conditions.
How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?
Shopping in our shop is secure. Your data will be fully protected.
What exactly happens after ordering?
We will sending you an email to confirm about your order.
Do I receive an invoice for my order?
We will send an invoice to your email address and your login profile.