Warmly welcome from Khmer Angkor

I have great honor to represent Khmer Angkor company, founded in 2017. Through love and pride to our ancestors in Angkor era, we are proud to name our company as “Khmer Angkor”.
Khmer Angkor is the cooperate company supporting three other companies including:

  1. Khmer Angkor Decor & Construction
  2. Khmer Angkor Real Estate Developer
  3. The Grind Coffee & Restaurant

We are a high-level professional team with a broad diversity of educational and occupational backgrounds. With our strong experience, we have worked for both local and international clients and always get admiration and appreciation for our productive results.
Lastly, I represent Board of Directors, Directors and all level staffs would love to deeply thank to all customers who have been supporting all services from our Company.
Thank you!

Hem Meas, CEO